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Boulder City Council
Our Greatest Enemy, and Our Most Useful Tool

Politicians love and crave power. This is simultaneously the greatest danger of politicians, as well as their Achilles heal. By convincing those in power that an issue is unpopular enough to make them use political capital they need for another issue or to win an election, politicians supporting photo radar may be convinced to vote against the issue, or to repeal it. This is our best chance of repealing photo radar where it exists, and stopping it in places that do not currently have it. Write letters to the editor, call councilmen, drop flyers off at their house, go to council meetings and let your voice be heard.

Here are some links to get you started

Boulder City Council Page

Names, Phone numbers, addresses, and e-mail of all members of the Boulder City Council

Mail a letter to the editor at the Daily Camera

Mail a letter to editor of the Colorado Daily

Index of Colorado State Representatives

Index of Colorado State Senators

Tune in to current affairs and be Turned on to resolution.